Why New Year’s Resolutions are not always a good idea

New Year’s resolutions are steeped in tradition, but sadly, statistics show that between 80-92% fail.  The intentions are pure but the problem is that they are generally not realistic, or far more importantly, specific enough. Instead of an insurmountable list, try selecting no more than three harmonious goals and plan strategically how you are going to achieve them.…

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Sad syndrome, the winter blues, seasonal funk… whatever you chose to call it, is a very real issue.  It generally starts around mid autumn and continues until mid spring causing moodiness, sapping energy and creating generalised and sometimes severe depression.  It can also create carbohydrate cravings, a feeling of sluggishness, irritability and hyper-sensitivity.  Fundamentally, reduced…

Sweet Potato

Running two clinics in different parts of the world makes us acutely aware of varying food cultures.  In the Caribbean, sweet potato is a common item, found in the majority of household kitchens, but it is far less so in the UK. This is a great shame as it is a truly versatile and super healthy…

Green Tea 101

So much has been written about the health benefits of Green Tea that it is hard to separate truth from hype and with over 12,000 published peer reviews, there is a lot of information to assimilate. Fundamentally, its true! Green tea really does have beneficial effects helping with inflammation, neurological protection, arthritis, eliminating toxins, the…

The hidden poison

We can never say enough on the subject of sugar and any of our existing patients know that we strongly advocate that everyone, without exception, gives it up. It is insidiously loaded into almost all processed food in one guise or another, even supposed ‘Health Foods’, granola bars, flavoured waters even protein powders and infant…